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My Faith Journey

My Faith and Christian values are the foundation of my Counseling Practice.

As a child, I went to church with a friend and during an alter call, I went forward and invited Jesus into my heart. I did not fully understand what this meant, but I knew it felt right and good. I did not have anyone to speak into my life or disciple me at that time but believe with all my heart God was in my heart.


As a teenager I used drugs and alcohol to numb out and try to make since of my life. I believe that Jesus, was with me throughout my struggle with addiction, keeping me safe and close to him. I believe it was the presence of Jesus in my heart that enabled me to begin my journey to sobriety so young. My recovery then motivated me to want to help others find recovery.


I got sober in the 12 Step fellowships of AA and NA. I will forever be grateful for the recovery fellowships. Along the way I was taught that the 12 steps and 12 traditions come from scripture. This was intriguing to me. I had a strong relationship with God and believed it was only through his power that I maintained sobriety. I did not have a personal relationship with Jesus. I was in the secular world and Jesus was wooing me to him.

Twelve years ago, I walked into a church where every Sunday, the Paster says, "Welcome Home." I knew I was in the right place. I committed my life to Christ, got Baptized, always remembering that Jesus has been in my heart since that encounter with him as a child. Through active participation in my church, engagement with my Christian community and being discipled in his word, my faith and commitment has continued to deepen.


As my conviction grows stronger, it has become difficult to remain in the secular world of counseling. I am grateful for the clinical training and skills I have from 30 years of experience. I am looking forward to being able to counsel people with the truth. Providing clinical excellence based on biblical truth. 

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